Wholesale Controls International has been serving our customers since 1977. At Wholesale Controls International we tailor our resources to provide outstanding product sales and support to commercial building automation contractors and institutional facilities around the globe. Since the beginning, Wholesale Controls has understood that the value of our company wouldn’t be measured by the balance sheet, but by the strength of our relationships with the companies we depend on for success. That is why Wholesale Controls continues to improve and expand the quality of those relationships, through increased service and technical resources our customers have grown accustomed to experiencing. Today Wholesale Controls International has five dedicated locations across the state of Alabama and the Florida pan-handle.Our goal is simple, to provide service and support, in partnerships with industry manufacturers, through visibility.
Meet The Team
Wholesale Controls International has over 40 years experience in the HVAC and building automation industry. We believe in one simple strategy, “where seeing is doing”, so whether a cart full or a single part, Wholesale Controls has you covered. Stop by today and talk with one of our knowledgeable building solution experts.